3 Ways to Combat the Enemy When It Comes to Your Identity

The Bible tells us that we are in a battle that is not fought with flesh and blood. It’s a spiritual battle… one that requires spiritual armor and weaponry. As Believers, we face our fair share of trials and temptations courtesy of the enemy. So when we combat the enemy, we have to be prepared. It’s important for us to understand his strategies and methods so that we can combat his lies and live in victory the way God intended.


3 Ways to Combat the Enemy When It Comes to Your Identity | alyssajhoward.com


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The enemy is a like a lion seeking to devour. He is smart… but he is no match for the Holy Spirit within us! That being said, he makes an effort to be strategic in his warfare. He doesn’t tempt or attack in ways that don’t have the potential to pay off in his favor. For example, I have personally never once been tempted to steal a car. He knows me well enough to know that this type of temptation won’t work on me. It would be too obvious and easy to resist. But going after my identity in Christ… this is an area that is much more difficult to detect. So when we combat the enemy, it’s important to understand his methods so that we can recognize his lies.


Know the truth well.

The Bible has a lot to say about who we are in Christ. The most important thing for us to remember as children of God is that we have been transformed. We are no longer slaves to sin or fear. We are no longer weak and walking in darkness. And we no longer have to suffer from a lack of peace and joy in our lives. But the enemy LOVES to make us believe these things are still true. He wants us to be afraid. He wants us to feel week and insignificant. And he longs to steal our peace and joy. Knowing the truth makes it harder for the enemy to lie to us.


Be prepared with Scripture.

This is no doubt our greatest weapon. After all, it’s what Jesus used against the enemy when He was being tempted in the desert. Jesus used the Word of God as a sword against the enemy. This is why it’s crucial for us to memorize Scripture and to hide God’s Word in our hearts. I cannot tell you how many times God has brought verses to mind in times when I needed them.


Spend time with our Father.

We can’t forget as children of God the importance of spending time with our Father in worship and prayer. When we have a deep and meaningful relationship with our heavenly Father, the enemy will have a much more difficult time convincing us that we are anything less than His children.


The best way to combat the enemy is to know the truth and know it well.


Click here for a full list of posts in this 31-day series!


3 Ways to Combat the Enemy When It Comes to Your Identity | alyssajhoward.com



*Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.

**Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash





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