Dare to Be Bold: 3 Truths That Will Change the Way You Live

I’ve always been a little shy. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy writing so much. I’m able to say what is on my heart without fear or inhibition. But as I was sitting in my Bible study small group this morning, I felt that little nudge from the Holy Spirit. “Stop thinking that you’re shy. You’re bold because you have Me living within you.” I was instantly convicted.


Dare to Be Bold: 3 Truths That Will Change the Way You Live | alyssajhoward.com


When the disciples were nervous about what to say, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be with them guiding their words. (Luke 12:11-12) This played out all throughout the book of Acts. As the disciples obeyed God and shared the truth, they were empowered by the Holy Spirit – not only in the words they chose to use, but also in their boldness. It didn’t matter if they were speaking to people one-on-one, facing the crowds, or standing in front of accusers who wanted to imprison them or worse. They were bold because of the Holy Spirit living within them.

Some of us are born with the tendency to be shy, but the Holy Spirit is never shy. I realized today that the enemy was using my shyness to keep me from speaking up about what He was laying on my heart. If I’m going to effectively share my faith with others, I cannot be timid.


For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. – 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)


3 Truths About Boldness:


  • Boldness comes from the Holy Spirit. If you’re finding that you have a tendency to be shy, you are not operating in His boldness. This is a truth that I personally have had to take to heart. God doesn’t want us to be self-conscious. He wants us to be Kingdom-conscious. We are called to seek first His kingdom, not the approval of man. Self-consciousness may be the opposite of pride, but they are both self-centered and self-seeking.
  • Boldness comes in a all shapes and sizes. The first-century disciples faced immense persecution throughout their ministries. They needed the boldness of the Holy Spirit to face opposition not only from the Jews, but from their own government. Today, we pray for boldness as we share our faith with loved ones who may not want to hear the Good News at all. But boldness goes beyond the words we speak. Our lives need to be bold as well. Actions speak louder than words, and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to sharing Jesus with the world. We not only need to speak the truth out loud; we have to live it out loud as well.
  • The enemy wants you to be shy about your faith. For me personally, this was a harsh reality that I had to accept as a Christian. I’ve always told myself and believed that my shyness was simply a part of my personality. God made me this way – right? But if you were to ask my husband or my kids, they would tell you that I’m anything BUT shy at home. (My husband would probably confirm that I speak my mind quite often!) The truth is that I’m only shy in new situations. My shyness is a reaction to feeling uncomfortable; it’s not who I am. And more often than not, my shyness happens at times when I NEED to be bold.


Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. – 2 Corinthians 3:12 (NIV)


I don’t know about you, but I want to dare to be bold. No more shyness for me! I want to speak the truth and live out loud.


Will you dare to be bold with me?


Dare to Be Bold: 3 Truths That Will Change the Way You Live | alyssajhoward.com


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